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Tunazzina Islam

Graduate Student @ Purdue University

social media

weak supervision

graph embedding

facebook ads

lifestyle & well-being

covid-19 vaccine

minimal supervision

weak labeling




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I am a Ph.D. student in the department of Computer Science (CS) at Purdue University, West Lafayette. My research interests broadly lie in Natural Language Processing, Social Media Mining. I am interested in characterizing user types and their messaging on social media. My advisor is Dr. Dan Goldwasser. I obtained M.Sc. in Computer Science (CS) from Old Dominion University (ODU) in August 2018.


Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign on Facebook using Minimal Supervision

Tunazzina Islam and 1 other author

A Holistic Framework for Analyzing the COVID-19 Vaccine Debate

Dan Goldwasser and 6 other authors

Twitter User Representation using Weakly Supervised Graph Embedding

Tunazzina Islam and 1 other author