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Mohamed Balli

Prof. Dr. @ International University of Rabat




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Pr. Dr. Mohamed Balli is aiming to understand how to particularly make magnetic materials useful in our daily life such as clean and efficient refrigeration, gas storage, cancer treatment and much more. M. Balli received his Master degree in Mechanics of Materials from Montpellier II University (France), a second Master degree in Magnetism from Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble 1 (France) and, a PhD degree in physics of materials specializing in magnetocaloric materials, from Joseph Fourier University, prepared at Néel Institute (CNRS). Between 2008 and 2012, he was Enseignant-Chercheur at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, before joining the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, where he worked as Researcher at the Physics Department and Quantum Institute. Since January 2019, he is Associate Professor of Physics at the International University of Rabat. He is a member of the Working Party on Magnetic Refrigeration, International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR, Paris). He is also a guest editor and editorial board member of the Journal Crystals (IF:2.404). He has published on magnetic materials, multiferroics and systems about 90 peer reviewed articles in reputed journals (including about 50 papers as first author). He particularly discovered a large thermal effect in HoMn2O5 crystals that can be obtained simply by spinning them in a constant magnetic field and accordingly proposed an innovative design for the liquefaction of helium and hydrogen. He also questioned the discovery of the so-called colossal magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in Mn1-xFexAs compounds and concluded that the reported MCE values are spurious due to the inadequate use of Maxwell equation. His patent on LaFeSi-based materials is currently a subject of commercialization and industrialization by ArcelorMittal and Erasteel companies. On the other hand, his research activities on caloric devices have led in 2012 to the creation of Clean Cooling Systems (CCS), a Swiss company specializing in the development of green technologies for refrigeration applications and, magnetic field sources. His research work on magnetocalorics has received numerous awards including, Rising Star Researcher award given by the Research Fund: Nature and Technology, Canada (2014) and the “Research and Innovation Prize 2015” from Sherbrooke University. M. Balli has an H-index of 26.


Strong spin orbital coupling

Mohamed Balli and 4 other authors

On the real potential of R1-xAxMnO3 oxides in magnetic cooling: Pr0.6Sr0.4MnO3 as a case of study

Oumayma Chdil and 3 other authors

Giant anisotropy of the magnetocaloric effect in the orthovanadate TbVO4 single crystals

Mohamed Balli