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Constantin Coutsomitros

European Commission, Retired Joint Research Center, Brussels, Belgium

quantum cryptography

spad detectors

security of cryptographic systems




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Before moving to the JRC in 1989, I worked as a research assistant in the team of Pr. I. Prigogine (Nobel Prize) and B. Misra (Quantum Zeno Paradox) at the ULB Belgium. I took part in the development of the theory of the irreversible processes concerning highly unstable dynamical systems, such as Kolmogorov systems. At the JRC my research interests were in the field of non-linear optics, laser physics, holography, interferometry, quantum optics, quantum entanglement, quantum cryptography. I have developed a series of electromagnetic sensors used for measurement of weak electrostatic signals, with applications to brain and cardiac wave detection. During the last years (before my retirement), I setup a new quantum optics laboratory in order to study quantum entanglement, quantum cryptography and I started studying the relation between entanglement and gravitation.


Quantum Communication vulnerabilities in a QKD system

Constantin Coutsomitros