Elena Ferraro
CNR, Agrate Unit
randomized benchmarking
quantum dot qubit
1/f noise
Elena Ferraro obtained her PhD in Physics from University of Palermo (Italy) in 2010. She spents several months at the University “Albert Ludwigs” of Freiburg (Germany) working on a research activity about Markovian and non-Markovian open quantum system. She joined CNR-IMM-Agrate Unit in 2012 as a theoretical research scientist in the field of quantum computation with silicon devices. Her main interests deal with: modelization and analysis of qubit architectures with CMOS technology; nanostructures based on quantum dots and donors; analysis of the sources of disturbance and noise on that systems and implementations of quantum logical gates. Elena Ferraro published over 30 journal articles and just as many talks at international conferences and universities.

Randomized benchmarking protocols in the all-electrical quantum dot qubit with 1/f noise
Elena Ferraro and 1 other author