Jason Starita
George Washington University
physics identity
learning assistants
learning assistant
My name is Jason Starita and I am a recent graduate of the George Washington University where I majored in Astrophysics with minors in Mathematics and STEM teaching. I have worked closely with my advisers for the last two years navigating the field of physics education research, lead my chapter of the Society of Physics Students to reinvigorate our outreach program, and taught at a public school to obtain my teaching certificate in 7th-12th grade physics. In the Fall, I will be furthering my studies and pursuing a Masters Degree in Curriculum & Instruction at GW where I hope to continue learning about PER and its implications for classroom learners.

What is a Physicist? Learning Assistants and Physics Majors Views
Jason Starita

Conceptions of Community among Physics Majors and Learning Assistants
Jason Starita