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Researcher responsibilities and responses during the COVID-19 pandemic
research/research methods
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, anthropological research has been upended along with nearly all other facets of life of individual anthropologists: family and social interactions, travel, higher education, work and workplaces, and individual health and economic security. How have our responsibilities as researchers and scholars shifted during this time•to the public, to the populations we work with, and to colleagues facing uncertain professional futures? How have anthropologists responded to the ongoing crisis? How has anthropological inquiry been applied to help understand and mitigate the unfolding crisis? This roundtable brings together anthropologists at varying career levels who had to abandon or adapt previous research topics and plans, or quickly organized new research to examine some of the myriad consequences of the pandemic. Their collective experiences reveal some of the many challenges that anthropologists have been impacted by and uniquely alerted to: from disrupted field and lab research, to concerns for vulnerable study populations, to the many problems individuals from diverse communities have been navigating in their daily lives. Presenters in this roundtable draw from these insights in discussing critical anthropological perspectives on the pandemic, as well as ongoing ethical and logistical issues affecting anthropological researchers and study communities. Specifically, we reflect on how anthropologists have contributed to applied COVID-19 research, supported junior colleagues professionally impacted by suspension of field and lab research, and prioritized and advocated for the safety and well-being of ourselves and study communities.