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Public Anthropologies, Engaged Pedagogies
public anthropology
social justice
This roundtable materializes this years’ call to engage with truth and responsibility through our participants' ongoing public engagements inside and outside of the discipline and the academy. We bring together scholars in linguistic anthropology, visual anthropology, and cultural anthropology who align their scholarly work with social justice advocacy. Rather than adopting a view that separates public-facing scholarship from traditional forms of scholarship, we foreground an approach that seeks to upend this distinction by asking what is our responsibility as scholars and as teachers during this sociopolitical and historical moment marked by pandemics, catastrophic climate change events, violent xenophobic state projects, and multiple forms of expropriation and extraction. We ask: What does it mean to think of our scholarly work and research as pedagogy? How does centering a teaching and learning praxis reconstitute disciplinary knowledge? What kind of anthropology can emerge when we divorce ourselves from the unsupported distinction between “public” scholarship and “non-public” scholarship? What multiple forms -outside of publishing in academic journals, and university presses - can our work take as a result? By asking these questions we push for an explicit conversation about the various risks and challenges that emerge when our projects of critique through accessible writing, audio-visual production, public speaking engagements, and social media scholarship, confront power as it manifests in institutions at various scales. As States, media organizations, institutional, and private actors around the world target, censure, and imprison researchers and scholars with increasing impunity, this roundtable offers an opportunity for anthropologists to collectivize our efforts and learn from each others’ anti-imperial, anti-War, and anti-racist projects. Centering a praxis of feminist anthropology, the roundtable begins with each scholar engaging how their scholarship and/or pedagogy evinces a politics of truth and responsibility for themselves, the communities they claim and that claim them, and the wider public. The panelists will discuss the contradictions and challenges they face in their public-activist-scholarly efforts, including working with a community-led bail-out project based on a Muslim, transformative justice and abolitionist perspective in Chicago; an online exhibition and digital archive that uses a family archive to interrogate the intersections of official history and the untold stories of Black women in the United States; negotiating Sikh studies, politics, and publics in California; and creating critical feminist scholarly collaborations to advocate for Kashmiri self-determination.