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Feminist Approaches to Abolition: A State of the Field Review
police/ policing
feminist anthropology
This roundtable will consider the critical and necessary interventions of feminist and queer theory, method, and practice in contemporary conversations on prison abolition, state policing, and mass incarceration. As a collaborative effort with the Association of Black Anthropologists, the roundtable will showcase the work of leading feminist anthropologists and center pre-circulated guiding questions gathered from the wider associations’ memberships. The roundtable will consider how unified and intersectional analyses of gender, sexuality, race, kinship, the state, and capitalism shed light on contemporary and future anthropological theory and praxis surrounding abolition and social justice. Participants will each deliver short comments on how their work is informed by and engages with critical anthropological frameworks before delving into a collective conversation that proactively reflects on the broader trends, theoretical innovations, and possible future directions for feminist anthropology and the discipline more broadly.