
Languaging Diversity 2021

October 14, 2021

Lille, France

Reborn dolls, dementia, disability, and grief: the linguistic construction of synthetic parenting as non-pharmacological therapy

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Next from Languaging Diversity 2021

Naming experiences in the current feminist movement: a sociopragmatic study of English gendered neologisms
technical paper

Naming experiences in the current feminist movement: a sociopragmatic study of English gendered neologisms

Languaging Diversity 2021

Océane Foubert
Océane Foubert

14 October 2021

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Naming experiences in the current feminist movement: a sociopragmatic study of English gendered neologisms
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Naming experiences in the current feminist movement: a sociopragmatic study of English gendered neologisms

Languaging Diversity 2021

Océane Foubert
Océane Foubert

14 October 2021