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VIDEO DOI: https://doi.org/10.48448/5mf9-9g51

technical paper


August 01, 2021

Live on Underline

Using Japanese Animation (Anime) for Teaching Fluid Mechanics


Sangjin Ryu

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Sangjin Ryu

Sangjin Ryu

over 3 years ago

Thank you for the question. Actually Sheeta is wearing a necklace, and the gem of this necklace is called "Flying stone". While she is falling, this flying stone is activated, and then suddenly Sheeta falls very slowly in the belly-to-sky posture. In my paper, I calculated the terminal speed in the belly-to-sky posture to be about 35 m/s, which is much lower than 100 m/s due to increased drag coefficient. However, in the story, Flying Stone actually makes Sheeta as light as bird feathers, so I think the stone may create anti-gravity field.

Gary White

Gary White

over 3 years ago

This was very inspiring! Thanks for sharing these useful tips...You indicate that Sheeta is falling at about 100 m/s---does she survive? If so, what kinds of physics ideas are invoked to bring her to a safe landing (both in the story itself, and from your perspective as a fluid flow expert)?