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VIDEO DOI: https://doi.org/10.48448/pw7f-h504

technical paper


August 01, 2021

Live on Underline

STEM Through the Screen: Experiences of adapting community outreach


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Sarah Johnson

over 3 years ago

What a great talk! Thanks so much. I love the idea of linking science outreach to sport. I'm impressed with how many different things you did over the last year or so, and how you managed to deliver engaging, accessible outreach activities online.

Andrew Duffy

Andrew Duffy

over 3 years ago

Go Foxes! What a great program. Do you have a website where we might learn more? Also, do all the Premier League clubs have things like this or is this unique to Leicester City?

Toni Sauncy

Toni Sauncy

over 3 years ago

cool outreach. Thanks for this contribution.