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VIDEO DOI: https://doi.org/10.48448/zt75-xd53

technical paper


August 01, 2021

Live on Underline

Integrating Bluetooth Sensors into an Web-based Lab Notebook (Pivot Interactives)


Peter Bohacek

Pivot Interactives

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Peter Bohacek

over 3 years ago



Peter Bohacek

over 3 years ago

Thanks for moderating the session, Earnie, and for the questions. Regarding setting up the labs, there is a pretty good editor in Pivot Interactives that lets the instructor select the type of question (open, numerical, MC) or tools (data table/graph, interactive video, simulation) to construct the lab. Making videos of multiple trials is a lot of work, but there are thousands of them already in Pivot. Building the automatic feedback for MC and auto-graded questions is the most time-consuming part. The hope is that time spent on that is a worthwhile exchange for the benefits of instant feedback for students, and reduced grading time.

Paul Miller

Paul Miller

over 3 years ago

Great stuff, Peter. Looking forward to trying some of this out.

Ernest Behringer

Ernest Behringer

over 3 years ago

Thank you very much for sharing your work, Peter! During the session this afternoon, I'd love to hear you elaborate on the details of setting up the notebook and also the work involved in making multiple trials, inputting autograding information, etc. Looking forward to the session!