technical paper

AAMAS 2021

May 04, 2021

Live on Underline

Broadening the Research Agenda for Computational Social Choice: Multiple Preference Profiles and Multiple Solutions (Blue Sky Ideas Track)

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Niclas Boehmer

Niclas Boehmer

almost 4 years ago

Thanks for the positive feedback and questions. If anyone has further questions, I am happy to answer them here in written form.


Reshef Meir

almost 4 years ago

sequences of solutions are sometimes considered in control theory (e.g. selecting a leading node in a network that is occasionally replaced). Unfortunately this line of research is usually disjoint from the one in social choice...

Christian Stricker

Christian Stricker

almost 4 years ago

Thank you very much for the nice talk! QUESTION: Can we interpret concepts like iterative voting as a special case of successive profiles?


Baharak Rastegari

almost 4 years ago

Nice talk Niclas.


Arianna Novaro

almost 4 years ago

Very nice talk!