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July 23, 2020


Live on Underline

What Makes a Good Physics Lab Partner?


Danny Doucette

University of Pittsburgh

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Brian Frank

Brian Frank

over 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this work danny. The presentation here was so easy to follow. I could literally basically scroll and at a glance catch big ideas and main points and pause to look more closely when needed. It would be / will be / is interesting to see how these correlations at the survey/quant level manifest themselves in actual classrooms. I also, guess, am interested in seeing how the data might look different for different institutions, classes, populations, etc. Which parts of what you found might be general patterns vs instantiations local to a context?

Duane Deardorff

Duane Deardorff

over 4 years ago

It seems that we as instructors need to do more guide students in how they share responsibilities within a group that will benefit everyone more effectively.!


Donna Norberg

over 4 years ago

Thanks for this - will be sharing these findings with my students in some way this fall!

Alexis Knaub

Alexis Knaub

over 4 years ago

This is really interesting. I was wondering if people can identify equal distribution of work and what obligations they feel towards their lab partners on these constructs.